Banana, Yoghurt & Muesli Bowl

Yoghurt with banana and muesli

1 banana
200g Greek style low fat yoghurt or lactose free yoghurt (for those with lactose intolerance) or soy yoghurt (vegans).
1/4C of Carmen’s muesli
1 tbsp of macadamias
1-2 tsp honey

1. In a bowl put the yoghurt. Place the banana on top. You can slice, dice or leave whole, whichever you prefer.
2. Sprinkle the muesli and macadamias on top. To serve drizzle with honey.

This breakfast or snack option is high in calcium (yoghurt), protein (nuts, seeds, yoghurt), fibre (banana, muesli, nuts), carbohydrates (yoghurt, banana, oats in muesli) and other vitamins and minerals. It is perfect as a post-trackwork breakfast or post-workout snack. The fibre and protein will keep you feeling fuller for longer. The calcium will help to keep your bones nice and strong. Many jockeys do not meet their calcium intake of 1000mg/day and increase their risk of poor bone health and growth.