Banana Smoothie Bowl


This is an easy recipe if you are really stuck for time. A balance of protein, carbs and fat suitable for pre and post track work or training. It is also refreshing for these Summer months in Australia.

1 frozen banan
tsp cinnamon
1/4C of milk or milk alternative (calcium fortified)
1/4C muesli
tsp chia seeds
honey to serve

1. Blend banana, 1/4C milk or milk alternative, tsp cinnamon. Pour into bowl. 
2. Top with 1/4C Carmen’s Muesli, tsp chia seeds and honey.

To give you more understanding about the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals of this meal I have created a list below. Remember not all foods are a single macronutrient. i.e. milk is both a carb and protein.
The protein sources: the milk & yoghurt, small amount from chia seeds and nuts in muesli. 
The carbohydrates sources: yoghurt and milk (lactose), banana (fructose), honey (sugar), oats, small amount in nuts.
The fat sources: milk & yoghurt, nuts and chia seeds
Calcium sources: Milk and yoghurt. If you have used a milk alternative i.e. soy milk or almond milk, be sure to look for ones that are fortified with calcium (meaning it has been added). This is because soy and almond milk aren’t naturally high in calcium. Look for 120mg of calcium per 100mL of your milk alternative for it to be classed as an alternative source of calcium to cow’s milk.